Saturday, August 30, 2008

Newsletter Makeover

As you have observed, I have updated not only the content of the newletter but the look of it as well! I did not move around a lot. I arranged most of the content in the same area except for the Side bar which was previously found on the left side of the website. I also put the Poll section near the start of the blog so no one can miss it and everybody can vote on the questions posted for the month or semester.

I cleaned it up a bit and you will notice in the next couple of weeks or so, new pictures will appear on the slide show. So don't forget to check who would pop up!

So what do you guys think of the update? Just click on the "comments" at the end of this article/post and it'll take you to the comments section wherein you can share your thoughts about it!

Hope you all had a great break!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Poll Result: What Area of Occupational Therapy are you interested in?

For all the people who voted on the Poll, thank you and your feedback is much appreciated! Polls and surveys are done to see another person's perspective of a situation or an idea and it shows us the uniqueness of how people think.

As for summer semester's poll about the area of occupational therapy that people are interested in, the results were the following:

1. Physical dysfunction: 44%
2. Pediatrics: 33%
3. Education: 22%
4. Geriatrics: 11%
5. Community: 11%
6. Adolescents: 0%
7. Research: 0%

When you visit the Newsletter blog, please don't forget to vote on the poll! It only takes 5 seconds to answer it. Thank you!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

September Birthday Celebrants!

Happy Birthday to all those who are celebrating their birthday on the month of September!

Cohort 3

September 2 - Jessica
September 11 - Jaime
September 26 - Kyla

Cohort 4 Section 1

September 1 - Tim
September 7 - Farrah
September 12 - Danielle
September 18 - Gloria

Cohort 4 Section 2

Sept 4 - Hien Tran
Sept 9 - Jennifer Takeda

Hope everyone have a blast on their birthdays!

A Page at the OTAC meeting

by: Avry Umali
On August 24, 2008 I had the opportunity to be part of the Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC). I was a student page for a day that involved the discussion and decision-making process of the board members. It was held on the Queen Mary Hotel in Long Beach.

I have met most of the OTAC officers and found myself intimidated by these outstanding professionals as well as excited that I had the opportunity to talk to them. They discussed their separate responsibilities of their jobs and some fieldwork discussion for students such as possible sites and opportunities. It seemed like it was a gathering of old friends and colleagues catching up on the latest issues. Shawn Phipps, the current president of OTAC, invited everyone to the boardroom after lunch so they can proceed with their agenda of the day: improving and generating growth to the organization.

Upon starting the board meeting, I noticed the unusual way it was being conducted. They utilized a parliamentary system to conduct the meeting. It was interesting to behold and to learn the nuances of how it should be conducted.

Other than the board members, various chairperson of each committee were present. Some of them that I remembered were the committee on education, practice, student affairs, and communication. It showed me that OTAC wanted everyone to be represented and they have thought of how to systematically divide the extensive responsibility to each committee.

What was my responsibility as a student page you ask? I assisted the secretary to ensure a smooth flow of the board meeting. I was responsible for providing the communication between the board members and the committees. Another task was to ensure that the charges or the responsibility assigned by the board to a person was noted and reviewed at the end of the meeting. But most of all, as most of the board members noted, it was a chance to see how OTAC functioned as an organization to encourage the students to be proactive as they would be leading the profession in the near future.

To be honest, I did not know what OTAC was working towards when I joined them as a member. It was a vague understanding that I had. When I was invited to work as a page on the meeting, it piqued my interest and curiosity so I accepted and I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the experience thoroughly and learned that they were working hard to ensure that OT remains in California.

At the end of the day, decisions were made at the approval of the board. They reviewed the current issues at hand such as the OTAC convention in Ontario, the new look of OTAC, and the distribution of responsibilities and tasks.

The theme to summarize the totality of OTAC is change. OTAC is moving towards growth and more possibilities for our profession. If you have the time and interest, maybe you would like to be part of the positive change, too.

Good luck and good bye Cohort 3...

Aboard the Sailing Ship Spirit

It is that part of the semester that a cohort will leave behind their campus life. Onwards they go to their Fieldwork II and we celebrated their triumph on a cruise around the port of San Pedro!

Cohort 3 and Cohort 4 OT students at the cruise

It was a night to remember as both Cohort 3 and 4 were on board to catch up on stories about their lives and to enjoy the end of Summer session! We were honored to have a couple of our professors, Diane Mayfield and Shawn Phipps, who joined us on the celebration.

one of the bridges around the port

As wayfarers of old have said to fellow travellers, "Fare thee well fellow sailors on this part of your voyage... May the Northern Star guide you always!"

Spinal Cord Injury Games on September 12, 2008

The University of Southern California (USC) students are organizing a group to volunteer at the Spinal Cord Injury Games on September 12, 2008. It will be held at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, CA. They are inviting CSUDH OT students to join them on this exciting day. This is a way for us to meet other students who are pursuing the same dream: becoming an OT! Inquiries and Interested students can post their questions and confirmation on the comments section or send me an email. Confirmation must be received before September 7, 2008.

Calendar of Events for Fall 2008

Occupational Therapy Calendar

October 10-12 - Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Conference at Ontario Convention Center. Pre-registration discounts are available through September 10, 2008.

CSUDH Academic Calendar

September 1 - Labor Day (campus closed)
November 11 - Veterans' Day (campus closed)
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday (campus closed)
December 13-19 - Final Examination week

As found in:

Holidays and Days of Observance

September 11 - Patriot Day
September 22 - First day of Autumn
October 13 - Columbus Day
October 31 - Halloween
November 4 - Election Day
November 11 - Veterans' Day
November 27 - Thanksgiving
December 25 - Christmas Day
January 1 - New Year

As found in: