Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good luck and good bye Cohort 3...

Aboard the Sailing Ship Spirit

It is that part of the semester that a cohort will leave behind their campus life. Onwards they go to their Fieldwork II and we celebrated their triumph on a cruise around the port of San Pedro!

Cohort 3 and Cohort 4 OT students at the cruise

It was a night to remember as both Cohort 3 and 4 were on board to catch up on stories about their lives and to enjoy the end of Summer session! We were honored to have a couple of our professors, Diane Mayfield and Shawn Phipps, who joined us on the celebration.

one of the bridges around the port

As wayfarers of old have said to fellow travellers, "Fare thee well fellow sailors on this part of your voyage... May the Northern Star guide you always!"

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