Saturday, August 30, 2008

Newsletter Makeover

As you have observed, I have updated not only the content of the newletter but the look of it as well! I did not move around a lot. I arranged most of the content in the same area except for the Side bar which was previously found on the left side of the website. I also put the Poll section near the start of the blog so no one can miss it and everybody can vote on the questions posted for the month or semester.

I cleaned it up a bit and you will notice in the next couple of weeks or so, new pictures will appear on the slide show. So don't forget to check who would pop up!

So what do you guys think of the update? Just click on the "comments" at the end of this article/post and it'll take you to the comments section wherein you can share your thoughts about it!

Hope you all had a great break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks great avry, thanks for your hard work and dedication.